OK. I sat down here to blog this evening, and by golly I'm gonna do it. Am wracking my brain, however, trying to figure what is interesting enough in my life to blog about, let alone catch any
elses' interest. Let's see. Taught HP group lesson today. Only one guy was visibly asleep. But then I'm not sure he was awake when he got to church. Susan has felt lousy for days to the point she didn't make it to church today. Has been a rough week for her. We appreciated Dad posting the pictures of Steven's Eagle Scout Court of Honor. He just squeaked in under the 18
th birthday wire. But we're really proud of him. He's still pedaling guns, knives, fishing licenses and other sundry stuff at
Wal-Mart. Just five short weeks until he heads off to
UVU as a freshman. Stacey and David are off in Guatemala visiting the missionary and historic sites etc. of one of David's brothers who served a mission there. Susan went to soothe the nerves of Stacey's children and/or babysitter on Friday. Unfortunately, she seemed to pick up whatever germs were hanging in the air, which, we think, is what put her on her back this weekend. Lori and Chad signed on to buy a new
townhome in the area of
Bangerter and I-15. They'll close and move in during the next couple of weeks. They're excited about their new home and we look forward to having them just five minutes away. Visited with Ma and Pa yesterday and resolved most of the political issues of the day. Dad has had quite a week of it with his wisdom tooth. Enjoyed the reunion with y'all. Hope we didn't tick anyone off. Well, that's about it for now. Let's see who blogs next.