Andrew 9, Michael 6, Lillie 8, Odessa 1, Katherine 4
Lillie on her baptism day!
We had quite the eventful week this last week at our house! Miss Lillie turned 8 on Thursday, then on Friday she had a birthday party consisting of 9 giggling little girls. We painted nails, made body glitter, and had facials after which they played the Wii. It was a great day, though I was pooped! But our fun was not over yet! Saturday, Lillie was baptized. It was a wonderful day, fraught with a little too much excitement (holes burnt in carpet, lamp shattering to a million pieces), but nothing could dampen the Spirit that was felt! Lillie was beautiful and had such a wonderful smile as she came up out of the font. I've decided that these are the moments a parent lives for. I was so proud of her!